If you are a scheme employer, we hope that you find the information in this section useful.

A full list of Norfolk Pension Fund scheme employers with active members can be viewed by clicking here.

Employers use the i-Connect system to upload data to us and users will be sent necessary details.

If you have any questions about our forms or access to i-Connect please call us on 01603 222132 or email [email protected]

Forms and documents


Absence Due to Trade Dispute Buying Back 'Lost' Pension (SR92 Issue 3 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Advance Warning of Member Retiring (R25 Issue 11 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Employer Contact Details (MISC91 Issue 7 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Employer Notification of Employee Opting Out (SR88 Issue 7 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Employer's Authorisation Awarding Additional Pension Early Retirement and Waiving Benefit Reductions (R16 Issue 18 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Employer's Pension Policy Exercise of Discretionary Powers (SR85 Issue 7 Aug 2016)

Expression of wish for payment of death grant (SR81 Issue 13 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Ill-Health Retirement Certificate: Current Member (R18 Issue 20 Nov 2021) - Interactive 

Ill-Health Retirement Certificate Early Payment of Deferred Benefit (R18 DB Issue 8 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Ill-Health Retirement Certificate Request Early Payment of Deferred Benefit Employer’s Decision Notice (R53 Issue 3 April 2014) - Interactive

Ill-Health Retirement : Employer's Decision Notice (R45 Issue 4 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Ill-Health Retirement - Third Tier Pension Employer’s Review Decision Notice (R46 Issue 4 Apr 2014) - Interactive

Member Leaving Scheme (L45 Issue 3 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Membership Form (SR95 Issue 7 Jun 2023)

Notice to Opt Out of Pension Saving (SR97 Issue 6 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Notification of Absences due to Trade Disputes (SR76A Issue 2 July 2014)

Notification of Automatic Employer decision to switch to Main Scheme (SR106B Issue 1 Mar 2014)

Notification of Unpaid Leave (SR47B Issue 19 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Option to Pay Voluntary Contributions in respect of Family or Unpaid Leave (SR108 Issue 4 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Option to switch between section of the Scheme (SR106 Issue 3 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Pension Option - Reduced or Restricted Pay (SR90 Issue 3 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Pensionable pay paid to a member after leaving (L1 Issue 15 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Request for Estimate of Retirement Benefits (MISC89 Issue 6 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Third Tier Ill-Health Retirement - Suspended Pensioner Review (R18 Review Issue 4 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Third Tier Ill-Health Retirement - 18 Months Review (R18 IH3 Issue 7 Nov 2021) - Interactive

Transfer of Previous Non-LGPS Pension Rights Investigation Request Form (SR96 Issue 6 May 2024)

Joiner Pack

Please provide your new employees with the Norfolk Pension Fund Joiner Pack items listed below.  

If you would need any of our forms or documents in an accessible format such as large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language, please call us on 01603 222824 or email [email protected]

Useful links

The Pensions Regulator

Guidance on employer pension responsibilities and useful information on pensions reform and auto-enrolment can be found here

LGPS regulation and guidance

The website for LGPS employers and pension funds in England and Wales can be accessed here.

National LGPS Frameworks

Information on how National LGPS Frameworks can help employers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland efficiently procure high-quality, value for money, Pension Fund services is available here.

Employer Forum and webinars

The Norfolk Pension Fund holds an Employer Forum at least twice a year. The Forum is an opportunity for employers, Norfolk Pension Fund team members and the Fund Actuary to meet and exchange news and views on the LGPS and the wider pensions world.

We also hold special webinar sessions covering important issues affecting scheme employers and the LGPS.

Presentations from past Employer Forums and webinars are available at the links below.

Employer Forum 10 July 2024
Employer Forum 29 November 2023
Employer Forum 12 July 2023
Employer Forum 29 November 2022

Employer Forms

The following employer template forms have been designed to be completed digitally on a PC/tablet and uploaded to i-Connect:

N.B. Norfolk County Council HR/Payroll staff send forms internally by email to PenDocs and not via i-Connect. The Member Leaving Scheme form (L45) and Request for Estimate of Benefits form (MISC89) are only sent from Payroll staff due to the financial information that needs to be completed.

The following template documents can be completed by scheme members either digitally on a PC/tablet or printed out and completed in ink. They can also be uploaded to i-Connect by employers:

For more information about i-Connect please contact the Technical Services Team - telephone 01603 222132, email [email protected].

Joiner Pack

Please provide your new employees with the Norfolk Pension Fund Joiner Pack items listed below.

If you would like any of our forms or documents in an accessible format such as large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language, please call us on 01603 222824 or email [email protected]

Can't find what you're looking for? Our team is always on hand to help.

Contact us